We heard that the open floor plan was popular so we thought that we would give it a try. We got rid of the wall between the hallway and the bathroom and completely gutted everything. I put up new insulation on the outside wall. The sewer drain and vent were redone to accommodate the new locations of the tub/shower and toilet. New ductwork was run to relocated the register vent and also add a new vent to the downstairs bathroom that did not previously have one. New pex plumbing was run to replace as much of the old copper pipe as we could get to. This included a whole house filtration system with a sediment filter and a taste/odor filter for the drinking water. A new line of hard water was run to the back of the house for the outside faucet that was previously using soft water. I also ran a new line of filtered water to under the kitchen sink to use for a drinking water faucet and a line to behind the fridge for an ice maker hookup. We also added a bath exhaust fan to the downstairs bathroom that did not have one before.
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The new water filters. |
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The view from the living room of the empty bathroom. |
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New duct work, the downstairs exhaust fan and new water lines to the vanity. |
Some of the new pex water lines that supply the kitchen sink and drinking water and the new sewer drain and vent to the roof. |